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Last update: 08-05-2008 09:43


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About the Steering Group

Mission statement

The warpevents.eu Steering Group is a group of individuals with experience in running events and the goal of ensuring that OS/2 and eComStation-related events take place. To achieve this goal, we address the needs of both the public and organisers by providing information to the public, advise to potential organisers, and consulting and support to event teams.

Services for the public

In between events, the Steering Group provides ongoing status information to the public. This includes issueing calls for bids for future events, reports about any preparation activities such as investigations for suitable locations, reports about submitted bids or lack thereof, as well as about accepted bids.

Services for potential organisers

Anyone interested in becoming an organiser has to learn about what awaits. The upcoming public information area at warpevents.eu will provide an overview of therequirements for creating a successful event. However, there still may be unanswered questions, details that need further explaining, or advise needed on how to proceed. The Steering Group will be there to fill the gaps.

Services for event teams

Those who have committed themselves to creating an event will find all kinds of helpful information in the internal area of this site. The services that the Steering Group provides to them can be described as filling any gaps that information leaves, extending on and explaining it, as well as finding out if it can be improved.

Investigation phase

The responsibilities include help with forming an event team, providing consulting to the event team if questions arise, and help choosing the best alternative, e.g., from several locations.

Event teams may also receive team supervision upon request. To avoid any misunderstandings: In this context, "supervision" does not mean "control" but "guidance" (see Wikipedia).

Selection phase

Once a bid has been submitted, the Steering Group has the task of checking if the proposal is sound. This includes the location, the personnel, and funding. In case any concerns arise, the event team is notified and supported in solving the issue. Finally, a location needs to be chosen.

Pre-event phase

After a bid has been accepted, the group provides consulting to the event team if questions arise. If the event team would like to pursue a path different from the proven ones, it is offered help in eliciting whether the alternative is a viable one.

Again, the event team may receive supervision upon request.

Event phase

During the event, the group provides consulting if questions or problems arise. If the event team wishes to get detailed feedback on their performance, it is offered help with the evaluation process (visitor and speaker surveys, etc.).

Post-event phase

To wrap up the event, the group collects feedback from visitors and speakers, and gives feedback to event team. Finally, feedback is collected from event team regarding the usefulness of the information pool and facilities, suggestions for improvement, and  the support the group provided itself.

Excluded services

While the Steering Group has quite a bit to offer to the community, there are some things that we do not, will not, and cannot provide. This includes:

  • Running events ourselves
  • Filling the site with content

The warpevents.eu Steering Group entirely consists of volunteers who spend their spare-time on this project. We are neither part of the technical staff nor backup for the event team.

So, please remember:

We share our experience, you have to do the actual work!


If you have experience in the area of running events that you would be willing to share and you have some time to spare, your support is very welcome. Even if there should be enough active members—which currently is not the case—it is good to have some backup and additional input of ideas.

To contact us, please see the Contact page or use the Forum.