Informing visitors about the details of the event is crucial for the event success.

First, potential visitors will make the decision about whether they are going to attend the event based on the information that is available to them. The main criteria for the decision are:

Second, information is a key to a good experience at the event itself.

Information about the following needs to be given prior to the event and should be handled via the web site and announcements:

At the event itself, the following is required:


For a good experience, visitors should be able to easily find what they are looking for—and also what might be of interest later. Every minute that is spent searching for something is not available for the things they have come to the event for.

The question is, "Where is what at the location?" This includes:

Visitors should be handed a plan of the building when they register at the reception desk at least.

Ideally, every above location should be equipped with signs that point to all other locations. If the different locations are in different wings or on different levels of a building, signs should be put up at critical points like elevators, stairs, and "cross-roads." Off-limit areas need to be marked as such.

Presentation schedule

Presentations are one of the most important parts of Warpstock Europe events. The event team needs to take care that visitors can attend as many presentations they find interesting as possible.

Visitors should be handed a schedule at the registration desk at least. Ideally, the schedule should be visible at the entrance to each room.

Changes to the schedule should be announced at a central info point / registration desk at least, e.g, via a whiteboard or a monitor. Ideally, the info should be visible in all seminar rooms, the exhibition area, and the restaurant, too.

Network access

Being able to connect to the outside world while on an event is standard nowadays, especially for IT events like Warpstock. Actually, this might make it possible for some visitors to attend at all.

Visitors need to be informed about public network access. At the registration desk, they should be informed about:

See below for details:

LAN access

Required information:

WLAN access

Required information:


If visitors should be able to use their machines while at the event, they need to know about the power available:


Visitors need to know if they can leave things in the building over night. This should be covered in a hand-out provided at the registration desk.