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Last update: 10/26/2009 10:59


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This wiki contains a subset of the information that is included in our internal wiki for event teams. This should help you to get an idea of what is involved in organising such an event. Some information is very detailed to make sure that important things are not forgotten. Don't let that intimidate you.

If you would like to add new articles, comment existing ones, or round off existing ones, please use our forum or contact us directly via e-mail. Summary articles that are better suited for this public wiki than the detailed full ones are very welcome!

You can always return to this page by pressing the home page icon, which is the leftmost icon of the wiki icon bar above.

[Edit]Table of Contents

Last changed: 19.11.2009 09:42 (CID: 257) by Christian Hennecke - HomePage Reload page Download HTML Lock