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Call for Papers opened

Sunday March 14, 2010  By: Marco Pauls

The Call for Papers is opened. Presentations can be submitted until April 11th.

The Warpstock Event Team has already acquired interesting presentations for Warpstock Europe 2010 setting this year's conference motto. To offer a comprehensive and diversified program as every year, the Warpstock Europe Event Team submits a Call for Papers. The Call for Papers will be open right now and last until April 11th.

People interested in holding a presentation at Warpstock Europe 2010 now can submit their presentations to the WSE210 Speaker Coordinator. The wish list for presentations contains the following topics: Unix Tools, Current Printers under OS/2 and eCS, Creating PDFs, Signing and Encrypting Mails with Enigmail and Thunderbird. Own suggestions are welcome, too.

Details and terms can be found at the congress web site under

Category: Presentations