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Last update: 04/19/2015 08:43


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Events world-wide


This site is intended to become the one-stop point for all kind of information about events related to OS/2 and eComStation. For details about services that are available, under development, or planned, please see About, About the Steering Group, and the Forum.


Interested in running an event yourself? Our public information library provides an overview of what it takes to create a successful event. Former event team members have contributed their experience to help you follow in their foot-steps.

Once you have decided to commit yourself, an internal area will provide you with in-depth information, document templates, communication tools, databases, and a CMS.

At any stage, the Steering Group is there to support you. Its members all have experience in creating events. They provide advise for potential organisers, and consulting and support to event teams.

Upcoming Events

Interested in visiting OS/2 and eComStation events? Our future events calendar, which is currently under development, will provide an overview of events all around the globe. This will not only include large events like the international Warpstock events but cover the full scale from user group meetings over developer workshops and national conferences up to international user conferences.

Event Archive

Looking for information about past events? Interested in presentations held? Our Archive area provides an archive of event information and presentation downloads. This ensures that valuable information is not lost.


  • Presentations uploaded

    07/03/2015 07:17 PM

    For those interested, some of the presentations that were given at Warpstock Europe 2015 are now available on the site.

  • New presentation schedule

    06/04/2015 03:39 PM

    Due to some unfortunate circumstances Lewis Rosenthal won't be able to make it to WarpStock Europe in person. All is well with him and he will give...

  • Booking is now closed

    06/03/2015 04:52 PM

    The booking of tickets for WSE 2015 is now closed. However, you can still tune into the the live audio stream.


To be able to provide information, we need input. This is where we need your help:

  • Do you know of any future OS/2 related events? Tell us so we can add them to the upcoming events calendar.
  • Do you have experience in creating and running events? Contact us for access to the internal information pool to share it.
  • Do you know of any presentations that have been held at user group meetings or the like? Send us the presentation material so valuable information does not get lost.

If you cannot provide information but still want to support us, please see the Donate page.